Monday, June 11, 2007

God is Good! All the Time!

I just found out that one of the major proponents of orphan care, truly an international Christian organization, has agreed to meet with Dixie Bickel and myself at the end of August to talk about opportunities to further raise awareness of the plight of orphans and to further call people to take action to help care for the orpahans in the world (particularly the orphans in Haiti).

It's a HUGE step forward and I'll share more details later. I'm confident that virtually all of you know the organization I'm talking about, but I won't mention who at this point yet.

Please be in prayer that the seeds that will be planted at this meeting will bear fruit for many years to come.

"God, I have NO idea what you're up to with setting up this meeting, but I trust you and I know that you are in control. Use the meeting, use the people involved for your glory and the benefit of orphan kids all over the world. Amen."

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