Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Guest Blogger Kristin Update

Hello everyone!
Well, I'm well into my first week here at GLA, and I've been having a lot of fun getting to know the 8 babies that I am assigned to. I have quite the interesting mix of kids, and we have a lot to work on, so I should have a great time working with them.

Other news going on around here...there has been a team of 5 people from Edmonton, Alberta here, and on Tuesday, another team of 5 from Edmonton came too! We're getting overrun with Canadians!! (I love you all!) They will be doing a VBS at the toddler house next week, which the kids there are so looking forward to. It should be really good.
Ronaldo's mom and dad, Phil and Angie Macomber have been here since Monday morning, and they leave thursday morning. It has been great having them here. Ronaldo is so excited to finally be able to go home. I've emailed with Angie quite a bit, so it has been great to be able to talk in person for a while.
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for the sick kids and the nasty virus. There is only one baby left on an IV, and there doesn't seem to be anyone else getting sick right now. There are kids who still have fevers, but no one is too bad at the moment. Please pray that it stays this way!
Some prayer requests...
Pray for Ronaldo as he adjusts to his new life in a family. It's going to be so new and weird for him, and I think he'll do great, but I know his family would appreciate the prayers.
Pray for LaDawn as she is leaving Thursday morning after spending 2 years working here with the babies at GLA. I can't imagine how hard it must be for her. Pray also that God will make clear to her what she should do when she gets home, because she still hasn't figured that out. Pray for the long-term foreign staff who are going to miss her the most.
Pray for the team that will be doing VBS next week, that they will be able to affectively minister to the kids at the toddler house.
Pray for the health of all of us volunteers...there's a few girls that have been sick this week, and I think that I'm getting a cold. Nothing too bad, but I don't want it to get worse.

Thanks! I'll try and maybe get a few pictures of my kids sent out as I have time over the weeks (it goes really slowly with the internet connection here.)
Love to you all! Thank you for your prayers!!!

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